Saturday, November 30, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird- Walking in Somebody Elses Shoes free essay sample

‘To kill a mockingbird’ deeply penetrates the concept of walking in somebody else’s shoes. This southern societal drama explores the main message Lee is portraying throughout the novel; that of which being to empathise with somebody in a differing circumstance as yourself. This text revolves around a 1930’s southern American society which openly embraces prejudice towards the minority of powerless in the community, in this case being racism. Lee shares her intended message through themes embedded throughout the text being; power through social dynamics, a human’s instinct to externalise guilt, physiological opposed to physical courage and how ones upbringing influences their moral decisions. These underlying matters are communicated through sophisticated writing techniques which help to develop the novels major themes. These are irony, symbolism, first person dialogue and tone. Combined, a compelling novel is made with powerful meaning entwined into the chapters. To kill a mockingbird’ encourages readers to gain various perspectives of the defining characters and their motives in order to understand Harper Lee’s inspiring beliefs. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mockingbird- Walking in Somebody Elses Shoes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Throughout societal history, disparity for power has been a dominating feature which defines ones place in the social hierarchy and creates order but through power comes prejudice. ‘To kill a mockingbird’ examines how society can create outcasts and misfits, and how one race can be segregated from another. Maycomb County is a prime example of a judgemental and unjust society which rejects anyone with an opinion that could challenge the town’s structure and rules. Because of group dynamics, the town’s people have the power to create these rules as a combined unit, using this power to their own advantage which to keeps Maycomb running on these beliefs. This is a town is built on hypocrisy, immorality and ignorance causing it to slowly collapse from the inside by the citizens who have realised the overwhelming issues that create conflict and oppression. Theres nothing more sickening to me than a low-grade white man wholl take advantage of a Negros ignorance. Dont fool yourselves – its all adding up and one of these days were going to pay the bill for it. Lee’s line here evokes various responses to audiences as the story is situated in another era, location and principle. Atticus is attempting to teach his children the moral faith he has in treating humanity un iformly. Lee has communicated this message of the imbalance in privileges through her most educated and ethically aware character, Atticus, who holds influence on the other characters as well as the readers. The rigidness of the societal divisions are irrational and prove to be destructive. Here the audiences also are urged to empathise with the social outcasts as they are being demeaned by the citizens holding positions of power, not having the ability to oppose these authorities. Irony protrudes as an overriding theme, contrasting the manner that the black people have been treated and Atticus’s expectation of their rebellion.

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