Tuesday, August 25, 2020
ABORTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fetus removal - Essay Example The rich had the option to travel abroad or pay high charges to a nearby specialist ready to play out the strategy at a cost. Poor ladies needed to turn to less sheltered alternatives. Precluding premature births doesn't and has never prevented them from happening; it just acts to hurt ladies. Individuals contradicted to legitimate premature births are additionally in a similar camp that restricts programs that guide the devastated and manhandled youngsters who are the consequence of undesirable pregnancies. They point to ‘Christian morals’ and ‘family values’ as legitimization for the loss of freedom, segregation of poor people and the expanded instances of harmed ladies. This partition of ethics and ideas will never be spanned yet the discussion whether fetus removal ought to be legitimate or not is an issue for the courts. This conversation considers the legitimate parts of the fetus removal issue. The contentions for and against are noteworthy in a social setting yet don’t truly mean anything since they won't choose whether or not premature births stay sheltered and legitimate. The Roe v. Swim case, brought before the U.S. Preeminent Court in 1973, brought about the Court’s assurance that ladies have the protected option to have a premature birth preceding when the embryo is feasible, which means when it can make due all alone outside the woman’s belly. The choice expelled any state law that confined a lady to have a fetus removal or a specialist to play out a premature birth during the initial three months (first trimester) of a pregnancy. It likewise limited premature births during the second-trimester except if a woman’s wellbeing was in harm's way (â€Å"Roe v. Wade†, 1997: 312). Despite the fact that the case was at that point is still emphatically discussed, the Court’s choice was right from an established setting. Pundits of the choice have commonly made contentions dependent on close to home good convictions which don’t check when the language of the Constitution is inspected. Their ethical contentions again st the Roe choice can be immediately excused by gauging the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Government Essay -- Analysis, Thoreau
Thoreau begins his article by supporting the witticism â€Å"that government is best which administers least†(177), which infers the decrease of administrative impedance in regular undertakings by diminishing the government’s ability to burden for disagreeable causes. An a valid example is a survey charge †a â€Å"per head†charge forced on all residents to help support, what Thoreau thought about a vile war against Mexico, which would broaden subjection into new US regions, sorted out by a little tip top of people who have controlled government to their advantage against well known will (177). Moreover, Thoreau keeps up that legislature seldom substantiates itself valuable and that it gets its position from the lion's share since they are genuinely the most grounded gathering, not on the grounds that they hold the most real perspective. He proceeds with that individual’s earlier commitment is to do what they accept is correct and not to comply with the law directed by the larger part. It very well may be proposed that when a legislature is out of line, individuals should decline to comply with the law and separate themselves from the administration all in all. This infers an individual isn't committed to dedicate his life to annihilating shades of malice from the world, however he is should not to take an interest in such indecencies, which could mean not being an individual from a shameful organization, for example, the legislature. In any case, simultaneously, it couldn't be the most fitting methodology for one to separate from the general public and be at last capable to herself alone, particularly in current interconnected world. Also, it is important, that there is a solid feeling of independence and doubt toward the administration all through Thoreau's work. It very well may be contended that Thoreau is profoundly doubtful of the administration since he detests the view that an individu... ...mply not exacerbate the world any. To come back to the first inquiry, no doubt a man has an obligation to act as indicated by the directs of his inner voice, in spite of the last conflicts with dominant part supposition, or the laws of society. In situations when the state underpins treacherous or improper laws, Thoreau's thought of administration to one's nation incomprehensibly moves to the type of opposition against it. Obstruction is the most noteworthy type of enthusiasm since it outlines a craving not to obliterate government however to manufacture a superior one in the long haul. Along these lines, Thoreau doesn't advocate a total dismissal of the organization, however protection from those particular highlights viewed as crooked or unethical. Despite the fact that Thoreau’s thoughts were very little persuasive in nineteenth century, it assisted with rousing Mohandas Gandhi’s and Martin Luthor King’s speculations of peaceful opposition.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
story) Series 2014 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
New SIPA Student (photo/story) Series 2014 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Summer officially begins this weekend but school is out and for most, summer is already here with lazy days and mild summer temperatures. If you are a follower of the SIPA Admissions Blog, you will know that each summer we run a series of new students photos. Last year we included stories about their summer adventure prior to beginning classes at SIPA in the fall. Blog readers have informed us that they like seeing/reading what our students are up to each summer. Well, its that time of year again when we make a request for submissions. All you NEW SIPA STUDENTS, we encourage you to submit pictures (travel photos, artistic photos, event photos) to post and share on the Blog. If you would rather provide a short post about what you are doing this summer before enrolling at SIPA, well be happy to share that too. We typically post 3 photos per student so the maximum number to send along for consideration should be no more than four. If you are sending a story about your summer activities, please limit it to five paragraphs. To participate, simply send along your photos or story as attachments to this address: sipa_new@columbia.edu. Please include the subject: 2014 Blog submission. We will try to post everyone’s submission but it may take a few weeks/months (depending on how many people are willing to share their experience) for us to share all of them this summer. If you plan to submit (and experience at least 24-hours of fame), please include the following when submitting your pictures/story: Your Name Your Degree Program (MIA, MPA, MPA-DP) Where the photo was taken (if submitting a photo) A brief description of the photo (if submitting a photo) Looking forward to receiving your submissions.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Legacy Of Veteran Suicide - 1189 Words
Veteran Suicide Twenty-two United States Veterans commit suicide every day, giving approximately one thousand seven hundred and eighty Veterans deaths due to suicide for the year of 2016 to date (â€Å"Operation Never Forgotten†). Veteran suicide is an ongoing problem because veterans enter the civilian world directly after receiving discharge from the armed forces and struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and acute stress, and anxiety (â€Å"Veterans Services†). Veteran suicides have become a large concern for members of the United States Armed Forces, Operation Never Forgotten (ONF) is an organization that is helping veterans find purpose and a reason to live, by working with the U.S. Congress, they could pass a law†¦show more content†¦However, war does seem to be the major problem with veteran suicide, which is where PTSD comes from. To elaborate, men and woman go to war zones, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, or Pakistan, and fight wi th the Middle Eastern cultures. While doing so, these men and woman tend to fight for, not only Americas freedom, but also their lives and the lives around them. Therefore, on many occasions, these men and woman are forced to kill anyone that shows threat to America’s military members. Also, when in a firefight, those men and woman have to attempt to save the lives of the people around them from gunshot wounds, IED wounds, and many other attack defenses from the enemy of war. Therefore, war is the cause of PTSD, which seems to be the number one cause of veteran suicide. Process for Implementing the Proposal The Veteran Affairs (VA) department needs to attend to the culture of clinical diagnosis (Satel). In order for the VA to be able to focus on the clinical diagnostics of PTSD. The VA will need an increase in funds, as well as other organizations like Operation Never Forgotten to help veterans with their emotional and mental disorders. In order to do so, there would need to be a bill passed through U.S. Congress and eventually signed by the United States President to become a law or budget change for such organizations. The bill would potentially state the importance of why the budget needs to be increasedShow MoreRelatedPersonal Growth And Development As A Soldier I Received From Cpt Fitch1206 Words  | 5 PagesLegacy Leaders, â€Å"Leaders of Influence†, CPT Justin Fitch The purpose of this paper is to thoroughly describe how CPT Justin Fitch’s attributes and competencies contributed to the Army community. It will also depict my personal growth and development as a Soldier I received from CPT Fitch. Additionally, this paper will clearly describe the legacy that I would like to leave on the Army community that was a direct result from my direct interactions with CPT Justin Fitch. CPT Justin Fitch, a Leader ofRead More US Soldiers and Their Relationship With Society in America After the Vietnam War1593 Words  | 7 Pagesthe society of America displayed with the returning soldiers from the Vietnam War had a negative aura that is still shown over 30 years later. The Vietnam War was filled with controversy from the beginning and it has yet to end today. The Vietnam Veterans in America suffered from social, physical, and psychological problems that only complicated their relationship with society and is portrayed statistically and through examples from soldiers since the day they returned from the battlefield. TheRead MoreWhy Do We Serve? Essay822 Words  | 4 PagesIt wasn’t just another beautiful day in paradise. It was a day of thanking and giving honor to all the men and woman who serve our country. Residents and veterans gathered for the 14th annual Veterans Day Ceremonies held on Monday at Legacy Park. â€Å"Today, as you can tell, is quite possibly the event on the Malibu social calendar.†said Beth Neal, president of Malibu Chamber of Commerce who opened the ceremonies. The event was hosted by Pepperdine University, The City of Malibu, Wells FargoRead MoreThe Role Of Financial Resources On The War Of The United States1152 Words  | 5 Pagescaring for veterans in the next 40 years†. With that amount used for the cause of war, civilian experience changes in their economic routine, the increase in price of most items, and also an increase in taxes. All the changes result then in employer unwillingness to hire workforce, to save money. In that order the unemployment rate gets higher and higher pushing young men to rely on criminal enterprises like robbery, rape, and homicide in order to survive. 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As they returned to the states, drugs were not as facile to obtain. Some of the veterans were too adolescent to licitly buy alcohol. Other veterans genuin ely ceased utilizing drugs and alcohol, because it was hurting their espousement or relationships with othersRead MoreAmerican Culture : The Vietnam War2157 Words  | 9 PagesVietnam Syndrome once and for all†The fall of Saigon had not marked the end of the Vietnam as Bush accurately conceded to the people, the repercussions of the war can still be seen today in American culture, it has sustained through the Vietnam veterans, as the basis for the support of anti-war precedencies, and morphed the gender stereotypes that are portrayed in society. The Vietnam War had denounced the idea of America’s invincibility and by the end of the war had lost the phenomenal reputationRead MoreThe War Had A Deep Impact On The American Veterans And Our Society2096 Words  | 9 PagesAmerican men and women served in Vietnam (va.gov). The war had a deep impact on the American veterans and our society. Prior to Vietnam, Americans have traditionally supported the military and have s hown respect for soldiers (Moffett). Soldiers were viewed as heroes. Unfortunately, soldiers returned from the Vietnam War were treated with disrespect by the American public. In turn, disillusioned veterans returning from the war developed serious physical and psychological problems. American societyRead MoreThe And With New Understandings From The Lake District And Lady Gregory s Place1460 Words  | 6 PagesRooms housed his furniture, original copies of his works, and other artifact’s this â€Å"great†writer had touched. There were posters after posters describing his many accolades, making this man out to be a saint. He used writing to create an impressive legacy for himself. Later on that day we took a politically incorrect tour of Scotland. Our tour guide led us up to the Writer’s museum entrance and asked us if we had ever heard of Robert Burns. Maddie and I enthusiastically raised our hands expectingRead MoreEssay on The Things They Carried515 Words  | 3 Pagesdone. However, this guilt turns a lighthearted man into a killer. Many of his fellow soldiers are unable to adjust to civilian life after the war. School or work seems trivial or even silly in comparison to life and death missions. Everyday, veterans commit suicide or suffer from mental illness. Jim is lucky that he wasnt driven totally insane by the war, but he will be plagued by the things he saw and did in Vietnam for the rest of his life. This is the price we pay for war; this is the price they
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Trifles And A Jury Of The 1800s - 1288 Words
Janki Patel English 1102 Proff. Breedlove 10/29/2017 How women were treated in the 18th and 19th century In 18th century and the 19th century the life of women was very difficult compared to present. There were many restrictions over them. The gender discrimination was the main thing that was practiced in that period. The woman was not given the equal rights as man. The main role of woman during that time was as they grow up marry in their caste have babies and feed and nurture the baby. The caste system was very strict at that time, and this was the main trouble to woman at that time. The contrast of this can be seen the stories like â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†and â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†. This can also be seen by the writers†¦show more content†¦The men s inability to see the facts of the situation is emphasized by Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peter’s ability to deduce the discouraging course of Minnie s life over the previous 20 years. In addition, although the male characters see no relevant clues in th e kitchen, the women, once alone, notice evidence in the mere state of the kitchen: All is amiss--the lid is off the sugar canister and a half-full bag is sitting next to it; there is a dish towel in the middle of the half-wiped kitchen table; and the squares for the quilt she is piecing consist of fine, even sewing -except for one block, in which the sewing is crazy. â€Å"What made this woman, they wonder, leave things half-done? What made her nervous enough to make her sewing crazy? What so distracted this woman, who even in jail worried about her preserves and wanted an apron?†(Bendel-Simso) Only women, and only women of similar social and geographical backgrounds, can recognize these clues. Foreshadowing of this evidence is given in the opening paragraph of the story, in which Mrs. Hale s eye makes a scandalized sweep of her kitchen as she is forced to abandon her bread-making half-done when she is unexpectedly called to the crime scene. In the â€Å"Hills Like White E lephants†by Ernest Hemingway, the relation of the boy and girl at that period was shown where they were at the stage of having a child. When they were returning from the trip, they were waiting for the trains in theShow MoreRelated Gender Roles in Susan Glaspells A Jury Of Her Peers and Trifles 1176 Words  | 5 PagesGlaspells A Jury Of Her Peers and Trifles  Twentieth century society places few stereotypical roles on men and women. The men are not the sole breadwinners, as they once were, and the women are no longer the sole homemakers. The roles are often reversed, or, in the case of both parents working, the old roles are totally inconsequential. Many works of literature deal with gendered roles and their effect on society as a whole or on an individual as a person. A Jury Of Her Peers and Trifles, bothRead MoreWoman Have Historically Been Trapped In The Domestic Sphere1837 Words  | 8 Pagesquietly follow the demands of their husbands. While feminism began to spread rapidly in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, women still didn’t have right to vote or serve on a jury. As a result, many writers, especially woman, began to produce many pieces of literature that commented on the unfair treatment of woman. One of the highest praised feminist pieces of literature is the one act play, Trifles by Su san Glaspell written in 1916. Based loosely on a murder trial she covered in 1901, she exploresRead MoreSusan Glaspell s A Jury Of Her Peers1408 Words  | 6 PagesGrowing up in Iowa in the 1800s and 1900s, Susan Glaspell took inspiration for many of her stories from personal experiences. As a former courthouse reporter herself, Glaspell’s short story â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†is based largely on her involvement with a murder case and a kitchen she recalled investigating. â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers,†a rendition of her early play, Trifles, focuses on the homicide of an abusive husband by his wife. While the men investigating the case overlook the various signs of abuseRead MoreSusan Glaspell s `` The Yellow Wallpaper `` And A Jury Of Her Peers ``2004 Words  | 9 PagesThe fight for equality for minorities dates back to the beginning of mankind. Women, in particular, fight for fairness even in today’s society. This everlasting battle can be seen in both â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and â€Å"A Jury of Her Peers†by Susan Glaspell. Gilman’s story revolves around a woman who has postpartum depression. Her husband, who is also her physician, uses isolation to try and heal his wife’s â€Å"nervous disease.†Glaspell’s story, on the other hand, describesRead MoreSymbolic Inequality In A Jury Of Her Peers Essay1670 Words  | 7 Pages Symbolic Inequality The oppression of women throughout the centuries can be seen in many literary sources. The system from which women experienced misogyny and oppression is a social structure known as patriarchy. Furthermore, in A Jury of Her Peers, symbolism conveys the patriarchy of the Nineteenth Century. First, it is imperative that one knows what exactly patriarchy is: â€Å"a social system in which power is held by men, through cultural norms and customs that favor men and withhold opportunityRead MoreWomen’s Voice in Literature2562 Words  | 11 PagesWomen’s Voice in Literature In the late 1800s and early 1900s, women’s roles evolved from mere housewives to passionate activists who were fighting for rights to their share of the American dream. The main goal of the women participating in the fight was the right vote. In an effort to rally more to their cause, women used not only organized protests but employed literature to speak out. Written during this time period, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†and â€Å"Trifles†are works that portray women as passive
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Chronic disease Free Essays
Phoenix Material Chronic Disease Resource Guide Imagine that a family member or friend, with a chronic disease, has asked for your help finding resources available to help him or her with the disease. Use the table below to compile a list and explanation of at least five resources available for your family member or friend. Your Assigned Disease: Your Assigned Location: Cancer Georgia Resource: Explanation: John B. We will write a custom essay sample on Chronic disease or any similar topic only for you Order Now Amos Cancer Center This center is here to promote health and healing to all cancer patients. The center offers different services such as, clinical research, gynecologist/medical/radiation oncology, and robotic thoracic surgery. Http://www. Calumniation’s. Com/ Chlorofluorocarbons. Asps? ND=1802 Cancer Support Community In Atlanta This group is here for support for cancer patients and their families. Besides support, the group offers classes, information, education programs, stress activities, and fun activities. Http://cancersupportcommunityatlanta. Org/home. PH Perimeter Church This is a cancer support group that provides a safe environment which a person with cancer or their loved ones can share prayer requests and concerns about the Illness. It’s also a place to talk with other survivors and learn to live life with purpose. Http:// www. Perimeter. Org/pages/add-l-enlistees/support-groups/cancer-support-group/ This group is here to support cancer patients through the grace and love of Jesus Christ. Through the community resources, they are here to help patients’ everyday hysterical and spiritual needs by, helping provide food, prescriptions, and necessities. The volunteers also offer other services, such as hospital visits, errand running, and shuttle service. Http://counterparts. Com/ Atlanta Cancer Care The SAC can deal with one cancer needs. The facility has different caregiver and support information for one with cancer or to help the loved ones cope with it. The facility also has plenty of resources. Http://www. Teleconference. Com/Home. Asps How to cite Chronic disease, Papers
Chronic disease Free Essays
Phoenix Material Chronic Disease Resource Guide Imagine that a family member or friend, with a chronic disease, has asked for your help finding resources available to help him or her with the disease. Use the table below to compile a list and explanation of at least five resources available for your family member or friend. Your Assigned Disease: Your Assigned Location: Cancer Georgia Resource: Explanation: John B. We will write a custom essay sample on Chronic disease or any similar topic only for you Order Now Amos Cancer Center This center is here to promote health and healing to all cancer patients. The center offers different services such as, clinical research, gynecologist/medical/radiation oncology, and robotic thoracic surgery. Http://www. Calumniation’s. Com/ Chlorofluorocarbons. Asps? ND=1802 Cancer Support Community In Atlanta This group is here for support for cancer patients and their families. Besides support, the group offers classes, information, education programs, stress activities, and fun activities. Http://cancersupportcommunityatlanta. Org/home. PH Perimeter Church This is a cancer support group that provides a safe environment which a person with cancer or their loved ones can share prayer requests and concerns about the Illness. It’s also a place to talk with other survivors and learn to live life with purpose. Http:// www. Perimeter. Org/pages/add-l-enlistees/support-groups/cancer-support-group/ This group is here to support cancer patients through the grace and love of Jesus Christ. Through the community resources, they are here to help patients’ everyday hysterical and spiritual needs by, helping provide food, prescriptions, and necessities. The volunteers also offer other services, such as hospital visits, errand running, and shuttle service. Http://counterparts. Com/ Atlanta Cancer Care The SAC can deal with one cancer needs. The facility has different caregiver and support information for one with cancer or to help the loved ones cope with it. The facility also has plenty of resources. Http://www. Teleconference. Com/Home. Asps How to cite Chronic disease, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Relationship Between King Lear and His Fool Essay Example
Relationship Between King Lear and His Fool Paper Refer to Act one, scene five Describe the relationship between King Lear and his Fool in this passage. How is the relationship developed in King Lear as a whole? In Shakespeares King Lear, the relationship between Lear and the fool is crucial to the development of the character of Lear and also to many themes in the play. Interweaving insightful commentaries with clever wit and language, the fool, a loyal associate to Lear, offers an insight into Lears mind. Using juxtaposition with metaphor, symbolism, puns and irony, the fool effectively addresses and understands Lears motives and offers practical, unpretentious advice. The fool effectively gives to Lear a conscience, and highlights his goodness and self-realization as Lear is persuaded to lower himself to the level of another. The play starts with Lear effectively being the fool but gains wisdom and human experiences with the guidance of the fool and learns humility, remorse and compassion. With the fool, Lear becomes a sympathetic character, identifiable as a human, and less as an ignorant king. This passage takes place in act one, scene five after Lears dividing of his land. Conflict between Lear and Goneril has forced Lear to seek the company of Regan, where he hopes he will be treated with better respect. The fool and Lear are alone on stage, and the fool remarks upon Lears misjudgments. The fool focuses on the strange motion of a mans brains†¦ ins heels stating that Lear has misplaced his wits and common sense and has now been infected with kibes. This metaphor is symbolic of Lear’s plans being infested by unwanted intentions. thy wit shall not go slipshod. Lear should not visit his second daughter just as this is an unnecessary action, and for how can your wits be sheltered by slipshod? We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship Between King Lear and His Fool specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship Between King Lear and His Fool specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Relationship Between King Lear and His Fool specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This imagery is significant to mock Lears poor logic and ignorance, emphasized by the rhetorical question, as it seems like common knowledge that Lear is walking into inevitable disaster. Goneril and Regan are metaphorically Crabapples and cannot be trusted by their approachable appearances. Similarly in Act III scene VI, the fool once again comments on the false appearance of objects. Hes mad, that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horses health, a boys love, or a whores oath and urges Lear to reflect on his own actions. Next the Fool comments on Lears judgment by metaphorically likening it to his sensory mechanisms. He states that the noses job is to keep ones eyes on either side of it, which again highlights Lears folly. Lears vision is straight, unyielding, which makes him susceptible to deceptions because he cannot see a wide range of vision that he cannot smell out, Intuitively, Lear perceives that he has treated Cordelia wrongly, triggered by the words of the Fool. It is evident that the fool serves as Lears reflection. As later mentioned in the play, Lear asks who am I? and the fool replies Lears shadow. Lear is unsure of his own identity because he cannot see himself, for a shadow cannot see itself just as eyes cannot see without being separated by the nose. In both cases, the fool acts as the mediator or helper for Lears deeper understanding of himself. The fool comments on the idea that a snail has a house†¦ to puts head in; not to give to daughters. Again the fool uses effective ima gery to highlight the folly of Lear, and the fool foreshadows Lears downfall just as a snail without its house is more susceptible to discomforts and disasters. Now that Lear has abandoned his crown and left his horns without a case, he cannot hold on to the power that once sheltered him from others cruelties and disobedience. Lear, finally realizing the insincerity of his daughters when he divided the land, says I will forget my nature. Here the imagery of the snail not only signifies helplessness and danger after having the crown taken from him, but it also suggests rebirth and new apprehension; Lear has departed from his shell and left his crown behind and is aware of the truths of the world. These lines spoken by the fool is echoed in the storm scene Act III scene IV. Lear remarks unaccommodated man is no more but such a poor, bare, forked animal to address the misfortunes of himself and Edgar. It seems like mans fortune is no better than an animals. He is stripped of his crown and glorious image, down to the basest form of nothing but instinct as he stands within the storm. Lear is deprived of all protections and false ideas; he has indeed exposed himself to the cruelties of the world. Just as the fool foreshadowed, all his follies have come back to leave him with nothing, and without his shell for protection. Lear contemplates reclaiming the crown To taket again perforce! followed by a pause, he says Monster ingratitude! These exclamations are contrasted, as Lear first remarks on his reclaiming of the crown and then to the unthankful nature of his daughters. Lear shows sharp abruptness of thought and indecision as these sentences are incomplete, suggesting panic and onslaught of madness. This supports the thought thou wouldst make a good fool as observed by the fool. This strong contrast between the fluent observant speech of the fool and Lear switches the roles of the wise and the delirious, and signifies the lowering of Lears status and mental state. Further more, as the fool addresses Lear as his fool, Lear is dependant on the logic of someone less intelligent, and not his own ideas as seen earlier, as a man who sees himself in full control of the lands: Know that we have divided in three our kingdom. While earlier, he addressed himself in third person as a sign of authority, now in the presence of the fool he is lowered to a man with no servants or possessions. Finally, the fool comments, thou shouldst not have been old till thou hast been wise. Lear says O, let me not be mad, not mad sweet heaven! This apostrophe addressed to the Gods is an expression of Lears caution in regard to his fall into derangement and confusion after having been rejected by Goneril. F or the first time Lear acknowledges the dangers of hatred towards another, and tries to restrain immersing himself completely with revengeful thoughts. The nature of this conversation is repeated in Act II scene IV, the fool comments that the daughters will treat him with neglect for Fortune, that arrant whore, Neer turns the key to thpoor. Lear, feeling his tempers rising and resting on the verge of madness, comments Hysterica passio, down, thou climbing sorrow. In both cases, the fools words acts as Lears conscience, a force to keep him away from complete loss of reason. The relationship between the fool and Lear highlights many themes within the play King Lear, primarily to the theme of self-awareness and understanding. The fool is the manifestation of the truth in Lear, while offering himself as a reflection to Lear to aid him for a better understanding of human character; pointing directly and acutely to Lears weaknesses and ignorances. There is effective use of language techniques to aid the expressive nature of the fool, being explicit yet underlying in his comments to Lear. Essentially, the fool is Lears conscience that aids to resolve his internal conflicts throughout the play and becomes Lears shadow or reflection, which helps the progression of Lear’s character.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Mandarin Future Expression Using Yao and Hui
Mandarin Future Expression Using Yao and Hui The two auxiliary verbs, yo and huà ¬, can be used for talking about the future in the sense of going to do something or intending to do something. Consider these two sentences: WÇ’ yo qà ¹ BÄ›ijÄ «ng.我è ¦ åŽ »Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬WÇ’ huà ¬ qà ¹ BÄ›ijÄ «ng.我æÅ"Æ'åŽ »Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¥Å½ »Ã¥Å'â€"ä º ¬ The first sentence, using yo, indicates an intention to go to Beijing. The second sentence, using huà ¬, indicates a confident prediction of going to Beijing. Intention or Prediction The two sentences above can be translated as: WÇ’ yo qà ¹ BÄ›ijÄ «ng.I am going to Beijing.orI want to go to Beijing.WÇ’ huà ¬ qà ¹ BÄ›ijÄ «ng.I will go to Beijing (I expect I will go to Beijing). Yo is sometimes (but not always) used with a time expression to differentiate between want and intend. When used without a time reference, the only way to determine the exact meaning of yo is by context or clarification. Here are some more examples: NÇ yo mÇŽi shà ©nme dÃ… ngxÄ «?ä ½ è ¦ è ² ·Ã§â€Å¡Ã© º ¼Ã¦ ±Ã¨ ¥ ¿?ä ½ è ¦ ä ¹ °Ã¤ »â‚¬Ã¤ ¹Ë†Ã¤ ¸Å"è ¥ ¿?What are you going to buy?orWhat do you want to buy?NÇ huà ¬ mÇŽi shà ©nme dÃ… ngxÄ «?ä ½ æÅ"Æ'è ² ·Ã§â€Å¡Ã© º ¼Ã¦ ±Ã¨ ¥ ¿?ä ½ ä ¼Å¡Ã¤ ¹ °Ã¤ »â‚¬Ã¤ ¹Ë†Ã¤ ¸Å"è ¥ ¿?What do you expect to buy?Chà ©n xiÇŽojie mà ngtiÄ n yo gÄ“n wÇ’ shuÃ… .é™ ³Ã¥ ° Ã¥ § 明å ¤ ©Ã¨ ¦ è ·Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ª ªÃ©â„¢Ë†Ã¥ ° Ã¥ § 明å ¤ ©Ã¨ ¦ è ·Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ¯ ´Miss Chen is going to speak with me tomorrow.Chà ©n xiÇŽojie mà ngtiÄ n huà ¬ gÄ“n wÇ’ shuÃ… .é™ ³Ã¥ ° Ã¥ § 明å ¤ ©Ã¦Å"Æ'è ·Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ª ªÃ©â„¢Ë†Ã¥ ° Ã¥ § 明å ¤ ©Ã¤ ¼Å¡Ã¨ ·Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¨ ¯ ´Miss Chen expects to speak with me tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How To Craft a Compelling Story - Freewrite Store
How To Craft a Compelling Story - Freewrite Store How To Write With Impact Whether you’re writing a short story, novel or a sales page for your website, keeping your readers hooked is your main goal. If you fail to hook them, you lose them - and not just in the short term. They’ll remember how underwhelmed they were by your writing - and probably won’t give you a second chance. To have a positive impact on your readers, you have to impress them with your skill. Compelling content that almost forces them to keep reading will stick in their mind long after they’ve finished reading - and they’ll want to come back for more. That’s the secret to building a loyal audience that will benefit you long into the future.  Writers - just like you - come to me frustrated because they’re not happy with their writing. It lacks that attention-grabber hook that propels you from writer to storyteller. It doesn’t mean you’re not a great writer. It doesn’t mean you should quit. It just means you need to develop the skills. How To Write With Impact Writing a compelling story isn’t easy - not even when you’ve been doing it for years. You have to work hard at it, then edit, refine and improve until it’s a polished piece that could almost reach out and grab your readers by their lapels. It’s a skill you develop and practice, not something that’s innate - which is why so many writers get frustrated by the process. Related: Story vs. Plot So, what makes a compelling story? What techniques do you have to use to grab your reader’s attention and keep them firmly on those writing hooks? There’s no magic formula for this kind of powerful writing, but there are some key ingredients. What’s more, they work for content marketing, business writing and blog posts just as well as they do for fiction. Crafting content that’s compelling is a truly transferable skill. Let’s dive into the top 1.Show, Don’t Tell Okay, so this old cliche is so tired and worn out I really debated about whether to put it in - but despite its overuse, it’s still important. When you’re trying to hook your audience, it’s no good telling them how your character feels. Showthem, with a description that’s loaded with opportunities for your reader to slip into your character’s shoes and immerse themselves in the story. Related: Show and Tell Rather than explaining to your readers, you’re giving them the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. Once they’re in your character’s shoes, you’ve started the process of making them care - and that means they’re much less likely to abandon the story early on. 2. Shock and Surprise Startle your readers with something they weren’t expecting. Marketers do this a lot - aiming for the shock factor - but it’s just as important if you’re writing a short story or novel. Make it truly shocking and unexpected and you’ll have your readers right where you need them. Related: Did you catch our April 1 'product launch'? We encounter the unexpected every day - and how we respond is part of our learning process. Injecting something shocking into your writing keeps it real and (most) readers will be intrigued as to how the character handles what’s happened. Is it different from how your reader would respond? Is there something they can learn from this? The shock factor is a sure fire way to get your readers on the hook - because you’ve grabbed their attention. Now you just have to keep them on the hook. 3. Relatability Compelling writing is real, gritty, and doesn’t pull any punches. If you want to keep your readers on the hook, they have to be able to relate to what’s happening in your story. To master relatability, you have to know your audience inside out. What problems do they have? What in their lives causes them the most pain. If your reader encounters a character they can relate to, who has problems as they do, they’re automatically more engaged. Your readers care about the characters they can relate to. They don’t care about the characters they have nothing in common with. Far too often, the reason why you’re not hooking your audience is because you don’t fully understand them. 4. Raise The Stakes You’re writing about real situations (or situations that could be happening to your readers) - but that doesn’t mean you have to confine yourself to strict realism. Your readers have put themselves in your character’s shoes, been shocked by something, and can relate to the problem - so now you have to raise the stakes. What’s the worst thing that could happen to your character right now? Even if it’s not really likely, you have to raise your readers’ investment in the story you’re telling. You’re playing with their emotions now, and you can’t hold back. (Well, you could, but make it too ‘ordinary’ and your readers will slide right off the hook again.) When you raise the stakes, you create that edge-of-the-seat anticipation in your reader. You know, that feeling where you can’t put the book (or tablet, e-reader, magazine, whatever) down because you just have to find out what happens next. That’s exactly what you’re aiming for. 5. Mining The Depths Characters that your readers care about aren’t 2D cardboard cutouts. When you’re creating content - whether fiction or non-fiction - 2D cardboard cutouts aren’t going to get you the results you want. You have to bring your characters to life - so it feels like they’re living, breathing people bursting off the page. You bring your characters to life by creating layer after layer of details. To do that, you need to know everything about your character’s backstory (even if you’re just creating them for a digital marketing campaign!). I’ve had students tell me that it’s way too much effort for content marketing, and should only be for fiction, but it works for me and the results are worth the effort. It’s the little details that bring your character to life. Anchor them in real-life events that have enough detail to make it sound like you’re giving eyewitness testimony in the courtroom. Names, places, feelings, sensations, emotions - build the details until you start to feel like you are giving eyewitness testimony. 6. Make It Memorable Compelling writing leaves a lasting impression on your reader - which makes them remember you. Whether you’re a novelist or a social media marketer, your goal is to ensure that your reader remembers you. Compelling writing inspires loyalty in your readers, building an audience that is already primed to sign up for your mailing list or like your Facebook page. Making an impression on your readers isn’t easy when there are so many other writers trying to do exactly the same thing. You have to stand out. You have to get your hook so deep into your audience that they won’t be able to forget how your writing made them feel, or how your writing changed their life. One way to ensure that your readers remember you and remain firmly on your hook is to leave them with a feeling of unfinished business. Don’t resolve all of the conflicts in your story. Leave an unresolved thread that will be like a constant itch at the back of your reader’s mind. Refining Your Writing  Don’t expect your first draft to be a masterpiece of compelling writing. While some writers may be ready to publish after the second draft, most writers go through multiple drafts. I don’t put a number limit on my drafting process - I redraft until I’m happy that I’ve done everything I can. Sometimes it takes five drafts. Other times it takes fifteen. I’m a ruthless editor, too. Crafting compelling stories isn’t something you can do in an evening, sitting with your laptop on your knee in front of the TV. Cut out all the distractions and immerse yourself in your characters’ world. Distractions and interruptions only dilute the strength of your writing. Give your writing the dedicated time it deserves, and you’ll master the art of writing with an impact much more quickly.   About the author: Ariella is an experienced copywriter, editor, and digital marketing consultant. Driven by a passion for writing and content creation she takes pride in producing articles that deliver the latest information in an engaging manner and marketing campaigns that deliver exceptional results. Ariella has a BA (Hons) in English Language and Creative Writing (First), an MA in Theology and Ministry, and is a published author of three novels and a bestselling non-fiction book. A creative at heart, Ariella has 14 years’ industry experience and always aims to keep abreast of current trends and developments. She lives in the UK with her three beagles Zeke, Hope, and Sandy, who always make life interesting. How To Craft a Compelling Story - Freewrite Store How To Write With Impact Whether you’re writing a short story, novel or a sales page for your website, keeping your readers hooked is your main goal. If you fail to hook them, you lose them - and not just in the short term. They’ll remember how underwhelmed they were by your writing - and probably won’t give you a second chance. To have a positive impact on your readers, you have to impress them with your skill. Compelling content that almost forces them to keep reading will stick in their mind long after they’ve finished reading - and they’ll want to come back for more. That’s the secret to building a loyal audience that will benefit you long into the future.  Writers - just like you - come to me frustrated because they’re not happy with their writing. It lacks that attention-grabber hook that propels you from writer to storyteller. It doesn’t mean you’re not a great writer. It doesn’t mean you should quit. It just means you need to develop the skills. How To Write With Impact Writing a compelling story isn’t easy - not even when you’ve been doing it for years. You have to work hard at it, then edit, refine and improve until it’s a polished piece that could almost reach out and grab your readers by their lapels. It’s a skill you develop and practice, not something that’s innate - which is why so many writers get frustrated by the process. Related: Story vs. Plot So, what makes a compelling story? What techniques do you have to use to grab your reader’s attention and keep them firmly on those writing hooks? There’s no magic formula for this kind of powerful writing, but there are some key ingredients. What’s more, they work for content marketing, business writing and blog posts just as well as they do for fiction. Crafting content that’s compelling is a truly transferable skill. Let’s dive into the top 1.Show, Don’t Tell Okay, so this old cliche is so tired and worn out I really debated about whether to put it in - but despite its overuse, it’s still important. When you’re trying to hook your audience, it’s no good telling them how your character feels. Showthem, with a description that’s loaded with opportunities for your reader to slip into your character’s shoes and immerse themselves in the story. Related: Show and Tell Rather than explaining to your readers, you’re giving them the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. Once they’re in your character’s shoes, you’ve started the process of making them care - and that means they’re much less likely to abandon the story early on. 2. Shock and Surprise Startle your readers with something they weren’t expecting. Marketers do this a lot - aiming for the shock factor - but it’s just as important if you’re writing a short story or novel. Make it truly shocking and unexpected and you’ll have your readers right where you need them. Related: Did you catch our April 1 'product launch'? We encounter the unexpected every day - and how we respond is part of our learning process. Injecting something shocking into your writing keeps it real and (most) readers will be intrigued as to how the character handles what’s happened. Is it different from how your reader would respond? Is there something they can learn from this? The shock factor is a sure fire way to get your readers on the hook - because you’ve grabbed their attention. Now you just have to keep them on the hook. 3. Relatability Compelling writing is real, gritty, and doesn’t pull any punches. If you want to keep your readers on the hook, they have to be able to relate to what’s happening in your story. To master relatability, you have to know your audience inside out. What problems do they have? What in their lives causes them the most pain. If your reader encounters a character they can relate to, who has problems as they do, they’re automatically more engaged. Your readers care about the characters they can relate to. They don’t care about the characters they have nothing in common with. Far too often, the reason why you’re not hooking your audience is because you don’t fully understand them. 4. Raise The Stakes You’re writing about real situations (or situations that could be happening to your readers) - but that doesn’t mean you have to confine yourself to strict realism. Your readers have put themselves in your character’s shoes, been shocked by something, and can relate to the problem - so now you have to raise the stakes. What’s the worst thing that could happen to your character right now? Even if it’s not really likely, you have to raise your readers’ investment in the story you’re telling. You’re playing with their emotions now, and you can’t hold back. (Well, you could, but make it too ‘ordinary’ and your readers will slide right off the hook again.) When you raise the stakes, you create that edge-of-the-seat anticipation in your reader. You know, that feeling where you can’t put the book (or tablet, e-reader, magazine, whatever) down because you just have to find out what happens next. That’s exactly what you’re aiming for. 5. Mining The Depths Characters that your readers care about aren’t 2D cardboard cutouts. When you’re creating content - whether fiction or non-fiction - 2D cardboard cutouts aren’t going to get you the results you want. You have to bring your characters to life - so it feels like they’re living, breathing people bursting off the page. You bring your characters to life by creating layer after layer of details. To do that, you need to know everything about your character’s backstory (even if you’re just creating them for a digital marketing campaign!). I’ve had students tell me that it’s way too much effort for content marketing, and should only be for fiction, but it works for me and the results are worth the effort. It’s the little details that bring your character to life. Anchor them in real-life events that have enough detail to make it sound like you’re giving eyewitness testimony in the courtroom. Names, places, feelings, sensations, emotions - build the details until you start to feel like you are giving eyewitness testimony. 6. Make It Memorable Compelling writing leaves a lasting impression on your reader - which makes them remember you. Whether you’re a novelist or a social media marketer, your goal is to ensure that your reader remembers you. Compelling writing inspires loyalty in your readers, building an audience that is already primed to sign up for your mailing list or like your Facebook page. Making an impression on your readers isn’t easy when there are so many other writers trying to do exactly the same thing. You have to stand out. You have to get your hook so deep into your audience that they won’t be able to forget how your writing made them feel, or how your writing changed their life. One way to ensure that your readers remember you and remain firmly on your hook is to leave them with a feeling of unfinished business. Don’t resolve all of the conflicts in your story. Leave an unresolved thread that will be like a constant itch at the back of your reader’s mind. Refining Your Writing  Don’t expect your first draft to be a masterpiece of compelling writing. While some writers may be ready to publish after the second draft, most writers go through multiple drafts. I don’t put a number limit on my drafting process - I redraft until I’m happy that I’ve done everything I can. Sometimes it takes five drafts. Other times it takes fifteen. I’m a ruthless editor, too. Crafting compelling stories isn’t something you can do in an evening, sitting with your laptop on your knee in front of the TV. Cut out all the distractions and immerse yourself in your characters’ world. Distractions and interruptions only dilute the strength of your writing. Give your writing the dedicated time it deserves, and you’ll master the art of writing with an impact much more quickly.   About the author: Ariella is an experienced copywriter, editor, and digital marketing consultant. Driven by a passion for writing and content creation she takes pride in producing articles that deliver the latest information in an engaging manner and marketing campaigns that deliver exceptional results. Ariella has a BA (Hons) in English Language and Creative Writing (First), an MA in Theology and Ministry, and is a published author of three novels and a bestselling non-fiction book. A creative at heart, Ariella has 14 years’ industry experience and always aims to keep abreast of current trends and developments. She lives in the UK with her three beagles Zeke, Hope, and Sandy, who always make life interesting.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Outsourcing - Joint venture, Nearshore, back source and switch vendor Essay
Outsourcing - Joint venture, Nearshore, back source and switch vendor - Essay Example In fact, Whitten and Leidner point out that outsourcing can determine the â€Å"product quality, service quality, relationship quality and the switching costs†of a company’s products (2006). As such, outsourcing is generally an important strategy that can determine the success of an organization. Essentially, due to the development or organizational skills and technological developments, the competition among organizations has increased significantly. To avoid losses, many companies have opted to enter in to contracts and partnerships through the act of outsourcing. Generally, to enter these contracts, there are various costs that each organization has to cater for. These costs generally arise due to the payments made in respect to offshore government policies, agreements and negotiations as well as legal aspect matters among others. Notably important, in many instances, the costs of the partnership contract will be lower in huge and established corporations such as GlobShop, and higher in smaller organizations. Generally speaking, established organizations such as GlobShop are usually offered better investment programs and incentives as compared to the less established ones. Equally important, the monitoring and evaluation of performance in any organization helps in the acknowledgement of ambiguities that may lead to failure of the outsourcing. To ensure that an outsourcing venture is successful, organizations should consistently conduct meetings to discuss and review the set goals and targets. These meetings will also ensure that the organizations keep a consistent work towards attaining specific objectives thus enabling employees and managers to consistently keep track of their performance. Furthermore, joint venture outsourcing enables the organizations under partnership to increase returns and reduce costs significantly. However, lack of
Monday, February 3, 2020
How Does The Outdoor Environment Support Children's Personal, Social Essay
How Does The Outdoor Environment Support Children's Personal, Social And Emotion Development - Essay Example Concentration, an important constituent for the development of child, declines following prolonged exposure to classrooms (Pellegrini and Davis, 1993). Thus, this gives roof to the need of playgrounds and outdoor games for the instillation of the lost concentration. Playgrounds, the main instillers of self-confidence and self-esteem need to replicate nature. They also need to provide an opportunity to children to learn from experiment, risk, and control of the environment. It is also essential for the playgrounds to serve better by being responsive to each and every child. These playgrounds meeting the need of children might often appear a little messy and disorganized to the adult (Moore, 1986). The present need is to realise the existent need for well-designed playgrounds for the development of self-esteem in the school children (Titman's 1994). It has long been noted by Sucklin (1981) that social skills known, learned, and practiced on the playground during recess are important even for the later development of children. This is also essential because before the beginning of adolescence, children relate to the surrounding world mainly through their senses and bodily movement, which is greatly motivated by the outdoor environment’s freedom and diversity. This holds a more powerful stand for the green environments in close intimacy. (Kuo & Sullivan, 2002). The social and emotional development of the children also gets influenced by the availability and easy reach of the outdoor facilities and resources.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Importance Of Dams To Water Quality Environmental Sciences Essay
The Importance Of Dams To Water Quality Environmental Sciences Essay Water plays an exceptional significant role in the economy and in the life of all countries. It is of vital importance for the existence of people, animals and vegetation. The settling of people in different regions of earth has always been closely dependant on the possibilities for water supply parallel to those providing with food, shelter and heat. The increase in the population, development and enrichment of mankind in number of places has reached a level at which the water supply needed for the population, industry, irrigation and production of electric power has been brought to a critical point. Only one-fifth of the fresh water which is available is suitable for human consumption. There is uneven distribution of water regarding space, time and quality. That is why artificial redistribution of water is needed by undertaking expensive engineering in order to obtain water for given place in a defined quantity and quality. Definition of Dam Dam is a manmade barrier constructed to contain flow of water built across a river, lake, sea forming a reservoir behind it. They are mostly constructed from earth, natural materials, concrete rocks. Types of dams:- Arch dams Arch dams are made from concrete. They are curved in the shape of an arch, with the top of the arch pointing back into the water. Arch dams are usually constructed in narrow, steep valleys. They like all dams need good rock for their foundations, to resist the force of water on the dam. An arch shape is used for resisting the pushing force of the flowing water behind the dam. Buttress dams These dams are made from concrete masonry or both. The watertight upstream side supported is by triangular shaped walls, called buttresses. The buttresses are spaced at regular intervals on the downstream side. They resist the force of the reservoir water trying to push the dam over. The buttress dam was developed from the idea of the gravity dam, except that buttress dam uses a lot less because there are a lot of empty spaces between the buttress dams. Like gravity dams, they are made to suit to both narrow and wide valleys and they must be constructed on stable rock. Since 1945, 14 buttress dams have been constructed in the UK, mainly for hydroelectric schemes in Scotland. Cross-section through gravity dam (http://www.britishdams.org/about_dams/gravity.htm) Gravity dams -A gravity dam is made from concrete or masonry, or sometimes both. It is called a gravity dam because gravity is the force that holds it down to the ground stopping the water in the reservoir pushing it over. Cross-section through gravity dam A cross-section (or slice) through a gravity looks roughly like a triangular shape. Gravity dams are mostly used at sites which have narrow valleys, but they do need to be built on a stable rock. They can be constructed fairly on any terrain. There are more than 260 gravity dams in Britain. Masonry was used in many early dams, as far back as the 17th Century. However, concrete became more common from about 1900. Embankment dams their main features- There are several types of embankment dams; the designs have varying degree of inbuilt conservation. For e.g. Relating to the degree of seepage within the dam which is controlled by provision of filters and drains The use of free draining rock fill in embankment , The control of foundation seepage by grouting, drainage and cut-off constructions. The shape of dam looks like a small hill or pile. The hill or the pile is made up of impermeable [1] material, so that the water cannot pipe through the dam. The core of the dam is made up of clay or asphalt concrete; these types of dams are mostly used on wide valleys. The wide base helps water to exert less pressure on the foundation of the dams this is the main reason these dams could be built on soft soil. There are two types of embankment dams earth filled dam rock filled dam For rock filled dams the rock pieces are cut precisely to form a dam. Earth filled dams rock filled dams can further be divided into different categories of dams:- Concrete earth fill- Concrete is used in the core of dam as impermeable material. Asphaltic core rock fill-This type of dam is build with asphalt core (i.e. rock gravel) as the main fill material in the dam. Bituminous concrete face earth and rock fill-Bituminous concrete membrane is used in the water barrier for a dam as it is easy to maintain and economical viable. Types of spillways Spillways are structures which are found on or near dams, these structures are used when reservoir is full to pass floodwater safely, and in a controlled way, across a dam. There are 3 types of spillways:- Overflow spillway- These types of spillways are mostly created on gravity dam or a buttress dam. The spillway section in these dams are lower than the other sections of the dam allowing water to flow over its top and down from the front face of the dam. Side channel spillway- These types of spillways are used mainly with embankment dams. They are just located upstream and towards the side of the embankment dam. The water flows over the spillway, into a side channel of the dam and flows out safely through a tunnel Shaft spillways- This type of spillways is also known as Morning Glory, this spillway resembles like inverted funnel over a tower which looks like a shaft in the reservoir as soon as the water level rises in the reservoir it falls into the shaft and it is removed through the bottom of shaft via a tunnel. Shaft Spillway (http://www.britishdams.org/about_dams/shaft.htm) How are dams built? To build a dam some sequence of events are required for building the foundations of the dam and creating a reservoir. Dam is usually constructed across a river to create a reservoir in the valley which helps in storing the water that flows into it naturally. Sometimes, they are built across dry valleys, or valleys with small streams, to create a storage area for water that is transported from elsewhere. (I)Diverting the river flow from the site Streams and rivers are diverted to create a dry land for the construction of the dam. Small rivers, streams or canals are usually diverted through a tunnel, or a channel that is constructed around the side of the dam. Soft soils and rocks are removed to make a route, while harder rocks have to be blasted with explosives, to loosen up the soil and form soft debris. If dams are built across wide rivers with large volumes of flowing water. It would be impracticable and too expensive to construct a separate channel or a tunnel to divert the flow of water. Instead, a dry construction pit is formed on one side of the river, leaving the other side open for the water to flow through. The first portion of the dam is constructed in the dry pit. When it is finished, another dry area is formed on the other side of the river, and the remaining part of the dam is built. Meanwhile, the river flows through openings in the completed portion of the dam, and the reservoir can start to fill behind it (http://www.britishdams.org/about_dams/divert.htm) (ii)Constructing a foundation for the dam-A dam is usually built on a soil or on a hard rock foundation, different foundations are used depending on the type of dam and type of topography [2] around it. The foundation needs to be strong enough to hold and maintain the weight, structure of the dam, and the force of water pressure acting on the walls of the dam. The dam foundation generally needs to be below the ground level of the dam. To construct foundation soft soil and rocks need to be removed by excavation, drilling or by blasting rocks with explosives. Rarely, areas of weaker soils or rocks are found below the planned foundation level of the dam and this need to be removed and replaced with stronger materials for a stronger foundation. Some rock foundations have crevices [3] and fissures [4] in them. These have to be filled with grout or sealing material to stop water seeping out from the reservoir through the cracks, once the dam is made. This is usually done by drilling holes down into the weak rock with cracks and by pumping grout in them, which spreads outwards to fill up the cracks and making the rock hard. (iii)Building a dam (structure) -There are two major types of dam constructions (i) Concrete dams (ii) Embankment dams Concrete dams-As limited amount of concrete is required in a concrete dam, the concrete is mixed together in a special building called a concrete batching plant, which is built near the dam site. Sometimes for very large dams, there can be a number of batching plants. The concrete in the dam is placed by two different methods. (a) Pouring concrete -The traditional method of constructing a dam is to pour a wet mixture of concrete into a mould made in the required shape of the dam. The mould is usually made from sheets of timber it is also known as formwork. The mould is not made to the full length and breadth of the dam, as the dam is built upwards in small stages of about 1 to 2 metres at a time. The concrete is left to dry and harden before they can work on the next section on the top. The concrete needs to be transferred from the batching plant to the dam this can be done by number of methods. Like a system of conveyor belts is used from the batching plant to the dam site or sometimes the concrete is taken by the trucks to the dam site from where it is poured into skips which are then lifted to the top of the dam by cranes and poured. (b) Compacting concrete with rollers- Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) dams are formed by spreading a dry layer of mix of concrete and compacting and mashing it down using a heavy steel rollers. The dam is raised slowly step by step to about 600 mm. The edges of the dams are formed first, by making low concrete walls on the upstream and downstream sides of the dam. Concrete is then moved to the area between the walls and spread in a thin layer using bulldozers. Rollers are then driven over the concrete to compact it down and harden it up. (iv)Filling up the reservoir with water (v)Testing that does the floodgates and valves work (vi) Monitoring and recording the behaviour of newly built dam USES OF DAMS Water supply -This water is used to supply water to homes and factories. Reservoirs are designed in such a way to store the rain that falls during the rainier parts of the year, so that there is a continuous supply of water for the drier period Hydroelectricity- Waters in the reservoirs could be used to store water to feed hydroelectric power stations. Hydroelectric power is produced by using the potential energy from falling water to drive water turbines that in turn, turn electric generators. The reservoir water is stored at a height higher than the turbines, which are in the power station. Sometimes, the power station is directly in front of a dam, and pipes through the dam feed water directly to the turbines. In some other cases, the power station is downhill from the reservoir, and the water is fed to it through long pipes or tunnels called penstocks. Flood control-A reservoir can be used to control the amount of water flowing in a river after heavy rain or snow fall. The water level in the reservoir is kept low during the wetter periods of the year. When heavy rain occurs, it is gated by the dam and held in the reservoir like a collecting tank. When the reservoir gets too full, the floodwater can be passed downstream over a spillway. Sometimes, floodgates are used on top of spillways, and they can be fully or partly opened to control the amount of water let out into the river downstream. If dam werent there the water level in rivers can rise dramatically. Sometimes, the water flows over riverbanks or walls causing flooding of farmland, property, and in the worst cases, loss of life. Irrigation-Plants grow naturally on fertile soil that is watered by rain. However, in different regions of the world where the climate is very dry for some parts of the year, the soil becomes so dry that it restricts the growth of vegetation. This problem can be overcome by irrigation, a man-made system for watering the land. As water is released through spillway into downstream and to the drier parts Navigation -The construction of a dam across a river forms a reservoir that holds water raises the water level upstream, , and it slows down its rate of flow. This improves the navigation conditions upstream of the dam for ships and boats. Dangerous areas of rocks and sandbanks, previously in shallow water, become well covered, and rapids in the river disappear. Also, water from the reservoir can be released into the river downstream during the drier seasons of the year to make sure that it is deep enough for navigation all the year round. How do dams affect people and environment around it? Reservoirs are generally created to act as a resource or to give benefit to people. Rarely , inundation, or flooding of land and the management of the water in the reservoir can have an adverse effects on people, the wildlife ,the environment and the habitats, not only inside and around the valley, but also downstream of the dam or the spillway. The advantages and disadvantages of creating a new reservoir and a dam should be considered during the planning stages. Suitable methods should be decided and worked upon to eliminate or to reduce the disadvantages, so that the reservoir provides an overall resourceful benefit to people. These are some of the issues that are considered:- People- Peoples livelihood and their quality of living are also affected when the land is inundated by the reservoirs, on which they used to live and earn living .For some large reservoirs, or dams, hundreds of thousands of people have had to leave their homes and well established businesses had to migrate elsewhere and set up everything from scratch. In the past, there have been cases that many of these people that were forced to migrate for the betterment of society had not been given adequate compensation for their losses, and some had not even been given new places to live let alone the compensation. During relocation some of the communities who had been living together for a long time were broken up and moved to different areas due to construction of the dam, which also led to emotional and mental traumas. Some people made their living from farming and used the water from river for irrigation and some used the river for fishing. Majority of them suffered when they were relocated , as they were not given new land to work, if land was given it was far more less than they actually used to have or the land was infertile and the land was too far from a river so river could not be used for irrigation. They needed different skills to get another job and adequate training was not always provided. These days, authorities responsible for the dams are becoming more aware of these issues. Resettlement plans have been worked on, developed and applied to minimise the disruption and suffering caused to people during relocation, which used to live in the reservoir areas. Good plans make sure that fair compensation and employment opportunities would be provided. In some cases, efforts have been made to resettle migrants in their own chosen communities. Plants and animals Dams are generally constructed across rivers or lakes to store water that would naturally find its path to the lower reaches of the river and finally into the sea. The building of a dam upsets the natural flow of water and the balance of the river which affects the animal and plant life in and around it. some of the reasons how it may change the natural balance are :- At the upstream of the dam, the dam is made, river is flooded and it becomes a reservoir. The nature of the flow of the water downstream is changed. The dams generally accumulate sediments that normally flow downstream in a natural flow When the river valley is flooded with water, animals are forced to leave there natural habitat and plants and trees are cut. In some cases rare species have been extinct due to the negligence of the authorities. Now for some large projects, plans for nature reserves have been made .In some natural reserves same species of plants and trees have been replanted in them and some of the native affected animals have been moved there. However, the natural reserves can only really work when authorities carefully give a thought that how the plants and animals depend on each other in an environment. A dam across a river generally forms a barrier to fish that migrate, such as salmon, pomfret, sailfish. Fish passes should be included in the design of a dam. This would allow adult fish to swim upstream to spawn, and then come back downstream later with their young ones. Fish passes usually take the form of a fish lock or fish ladder. These fish passes need to be designed very carefully and precisely to make sure that the conditions are just about right for the fish to use them. Sedimentation- Rivers always carry sediments. When river is flooding a reservoir, the speed of the flowing water comes to almost a halt and the sediments fall down and get deposited on the reservoir bed. Over a number of years, the sediment in the reservoir can pile up, and form a hard rock which may reduce the space available for storing water in the reservoir. Most of the sediments that are held back in the reservoir would normally be moved downstream by the flowing water. If too much sediment is accumulated in the reservoir, the natural balance of the sediments in the river downstream can be changed, affecting people, wildlife and plants as far away as the river estuary, meets the sea. Farming land, which uses water from reservoirs for growing crops, can be deprived of its nutrients and silt which are normally accumulated when the river floods the reservoir. Nutrients are essential for fertilising the soil for agriculture. When designing a reservoir, the quantity and the quality o f sediment that will flow into the reservoir have to be monitored and controlled. The reservoir needs to be designed to reduce the amount of sediments that are deposited upstream, and to maximise the sediment flow downstream. Positioning spillways and outlet pipes and tunnels can control and regulate the flow of sediments downstream. Sometimes sediment is knowingly accumulated in the reservoir. Then at regular intervals, it is removed. This can be achieved by letting water flow out of the reservoir through the outlet pipes at the bottom of the dam, so that the sediments easily get flushed out. Water quality The quality of water can slowly deteriorate when it is stored in a reservoir as the water is stagnant .Flowing river water maintains a constant supply of dissolved oxygen. Dissolved oxygen is vitally needed to support aquatic flora and fauna, and to prevent some chemical reactions to pollute the water. There are many numbers of factors that can reduce oxygen levels in a reservoir, for e.g. organic material in the water can readily use up oxygen as it decomposes. The depth of the water in the reservoir, temperature difference between the water at the top of the reservoir and the bottom and its flow can also affect the oxygen levels. The type and the chemical nature of the land that is covered by a reservoir may affect the water quality. Pesticides and other chemicals from farms and toxic materials from industries can pollute the water. The streams and rivers flowing into the reservoir act as a major source of pollution as they may be carrying pollutants. The designers o f a reservoir and the dam have to consider all these factors and whether if any of these factors will have an adverse effect on the quality of the water. If the answer is yes, the designers need to include special safety measures to maintain good quality of water. Historical site- river valleys have high heritage values as throughout history people have settled in them. Many of the worlds archaeological sites, historical buildings and monuments can be found on the beds of these river valleys. Often these sites include sacred buildings such as churches, temples and their burial sites, which are areas of high sentimental values to the local inhabitants. Such heritage sites could be lost forever when a reservoir is made and the site is inundated with water. In the past, no such steps were taken in these dam projects to explore, preserve or save any of the local heritages. Recently, special measures have been taken in account for building of some projects. They have included following guidelines: Intensive archaeological investigations at the sites believed to have traces by ancient civilisations, before dam or a reservoir constructions proceeds. Relocation of burial sites with proper respect and dignity. Redesigning the structure of the dam, to minimise the loss of heritage site. The dismantling, relocation and re-erection of ancient monuments to preserve the interests of locals Safety and the maintenance of the dam In 1925, the two dams failed causing a flood that swamped a village in North Wales called Dolgarrog, this flood killed 16 people. The disaster was initially started when the Eigiau Dam, a small gravity dam failed. The released water from the reservoir of the broken dam flooded downstream and overtopped the reservoir of Coedty Dam which was an embankment dam; the high pressure of water inside the reservoir forced this dam to fail. Thus, releasing the huge volume of water that that swapped Dolgarrog and killed people. This disaster at Dolgarrog led the British government to pass the Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act in 1930 that introduced laws on the safety of the reservoirs. This act has been updated, and the current one is known as the Reservoirs Act, 1975. According to this acts all the dams in the United Kingdom that can hold at least 25,000 cubic metres of water would be maintained and looked after to ensure the safety of the general public. Under the Act, there is a usually Panel (or group) of civil engineers who are responsible for checking the safety and maintenance of these reservoirs and their dams. These are also known as Panel Engineers, and to qualify, these panel engineers need to be well qualified and vastly experienced in dam and reservoirs safety maintenance. After 10 years every existing reservoir is thoroughly checked that if they meet all their safety requirements. Panel Engineers are also required to actively participate with the new construction of dams and reservoirs, or i f the existing reservoirs needs to be repaired and changed entirely. According to this act reservoir owners are legally responsible for the safety and the maintenance of their reservoirs, dams. These dam owners are forced to employ suitably qualified civil engineers to make periodic checks on safety of the dam during the intervals between the Panel Engineers inspections. Safety check by Engineers Some of the safety checks are listed below Visual inspections An important part of a reservoir safety check is visual inspections. Unusual features like cracks on the surface of a dam may reveal important clues about the condition of the internal body of the dam which may not be visible to the naked eye of the inspector. On embankment dams, the civil engineers always look for hollows, bulges cracks and leaks on the outer face and on the upstream face of the dam, when the water is low. These features could possible indicate number of factors like the dam becoming more unstable, and that if there is a possibility that, with time, the portion of the slope could collapse, just like a landslide or the dam could crumble down on its own weight. Hollows on the dam can also indicate that floodwater has been overflowing the dam and slowly eroding the downstream slope. Engineers also look through or underneath the dam for any signs of water leaking. Water leaking through the dam can erode away the material inside the dam gradually creating a large cavity. This may lead to the collapse of the cavity itself which may reduce the stability of the dam. If the water is leaking under the dam or near the foot it can be a problem in its foundations in this case the entire dam needs to be reconstructed as the foundations get mushy and dam can collapse any second. Concrete dams have inspection galleries theses are tunnels running through the entire dams. These galleries just between 5-6 feet high just about big enough for a person to walk through. This helps engineers as the can inspect the conditions of the dam both inside and outside. The concrete surface is checked for signs of any erosion, deterioration, cracking or moulding. The engineers also look for the stability of the dam and look for any signs that could suggest that the dam or sections of it are moving. Checks are also made for any leaks on every part of the dam. Inspector checks the dam for all types of conditions, water pipes, valves and floodgates and even the quality of the water. The valves and gates are operated and greased regularly to check that they work and would work when required. Monitoring behaviour- Although dams look like a solid structure, they generally do move under the forces of nature, and which may cause water to seep through tiny pores in the structure. The height of an embankment dam actually reduced due to its weight over the years. Reduction of the height of dam is called settlement. A reservoir filled with water pushes a dam downstream a little and tries to make it slant and slide on its foundation. The structure of the dams is mostly made out of metal and concrete which may contract and expand the dam as the temperature changes throughout the year. Civil engineers have to often ensure the stability of dams by designing dams that can minimise water seepage and could withstand the effects of natural forces. Changes in the behaviour of a dam does not occur overnight, they occur slowly, and gradually so these changes cannot be detected by naked eye so the dam needs to be monitored regularly using scientific instruments that can measure changes at v ery small values . This way any unwanted behaviour can be detected in early stages before it causes a major structural problem. Some instruments are permanently fitted in dams, while others are generally taken to the site to make measurements. These are some the things that are monitored:- Seepage or leakage- A crack in a dam can indicate there would be increased leakage or seepage. In embankment dams, it could indicate that there is internal erosion of the fill material is taking place. Settlement- Optical instruments are used to measures levels on the crest of an embankment dam, to check if the height of the dam is reduced. If a crest appears to settle it can be a warning of problem a occurring within the body of the dam. The crest levels are generally designed to be of a certain height or above the normal full reservoir level. This ensures that the dam is not overtopped if in case it is flooded by excess floodwater or by waves on windy days. Tilting -Pendulums are installed in the vertically shafts of the dam to monitor any tilting in the dam Considering floods Dams are usually designed to hold back and collect water that flows into the valley behind it in the reservoirs; dams are also used to control the amount of water that passes out through it. Hydrologists are used to estimate the quantity and the quality of water that flows into a reservoir. Civil engineers use this information to find a location and plan the appropriate height of the dam. The dam needs to be of certain height, high enough to ensure that it will not be overflow excess flood water, unless it is designed to do so via tunnels or spillways. Accidental over toppling of water could damage the property downstream and in worse can be fatal or it could wash away part of the downstream side of an embankment dam which may affect the stability of the dam and it could collapse. These events can form catastrophic floods, as the water is released from the reservoir, could cause death and destruction to the people who live downstream. Floodwater is usually passed through a reservoir using a spillway, tunnels or safety canals safely. If people and property are at risk, spillways are opened safely so that they could pass the huge amounts of flood water controllably. Hydrologists often estimate the size and the danger of the flood by studying past rainfall records for the area and considering recent climate changes or the sudden change in the topography e.g. a large slope formed due to a landslide. They use this information to design new, better, efficient, spillways and also check the existing ones. Often, small-scale models are created to check the design. Checking for earthquakes- Every year there are more than 200 earthquakes are detected just alone in Britain. The majority of them are extremely small and have very small value on the Richter scale, but after regular intervals of every eight years at least a Magnitude 5 earthquake on Richter scale occurs. Luckily Magnitude 6 earthquake is about the largest and biggest that could ever occur in Britain, but the odds of that happening is very small or even negligible. A Magnitude 6 earthquake can easily damage structures that are poorly constructed, have weak foundations or that have not been designed to absorb earthquake shocks. If a dam fails during an earthquake it can be very serious, because the water released from the reservoir could cause havoc and severe flooding downstream. Due to this reason, new and existing dams in Britain are checked that if they could absorb the shocks of an earthquakes. There are a few handful dams in Britain which are believed to have been damaged or have been severely affected by earthquakes. The most important case was found in 1957 when the Black brook Dam, in Leicestershire, was severely affected by a Magnitude 5.3 earthquake. Tithe tremors of this earthquake caused heavy coping stones to shift and cracks and crevices appeared on the faces of this gravity dam which was constructed from concrete and masonry.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Research Paper on Plato
Abstract Many Philosophers made a difference in society but Plato is perhaps recognized as the most famous. His writings have had a profound effect on people, politics, and the philosophy throughout the centuries. He was a public figure and he made major contributions to society. Plato helped to lay the philosophical foundations of modern culture through his ideas and writings. One of the most philosophical thinkers of Western civilization, Plato is the only author from ancient Greek times whose writings survive intact. His collection consists of thirty-five dialogues and thirteen letters, though the authorship of some is contested.Plato was born in Athens, into a prosperous aristocratic family. His Father’s name was Ariston and his Mother’s name was Perictione. His relative named Glaucon was one of the best-known members of the Athenian nobility. Plato's name was Aristocles, his nickname Plato originates from wrestling circles, Plato means broad, and it probably refers either to his physical appearance or his wrestling style. â€Å"Plato is, by any reckoning, one of the most dazzling writers in the Western literary tradition and one of the most penetrating, wide-ranging, and influential authors in the history of philosophy,†(Kraut, 2009).Plato was born during the Golden Age of Athens’s which saw the birth of classical architecture, drama, arts and politics. However, as he was growing up he observed the decline of Athens as a cultural center. He witnessed instances of cruelty, disloyalty, and dishonesty and it was in clear violation of his values. It was also during this time that Plato fell under the influence of Socrates, who engaged the people of Athens in philosophical discussions. â€Å"It was into this bright, sly, worldly atmosphere that Socrates appeared, moving questioningly about the streets of Athens†. Plato 1984). In 339 Socrates was brought to trial and charged with having false Gods and corrupting the youth. Soc rates was found guilty on the charge and was sentenced to death. The execution of Socrates weighed heavily on Plato and he turned away from politics, he thought the behavior of the courts was unjust. He decided not to get involved in political life, instead he decided to leave Athens with other friends of Socrates to travel and study. During his travels he met with all kinds of people and studied not only philosophy but geometry, astronomy, and religious teachings.Socrates was extremely influential to Plato and he was the main character in numerous writings, he was also influenced by Heraclitus, Parmenides, and the Pythagoreans. One of the most important goals Plato set for himself was to keep the memory of Socrates alive by recording and bringing about the kind of impact that Socrates had on people. Nearly all of Plato’s work takes the structure of dialogues in which Socrates is usually the main character. One of the goals of a Plato’s dialogue is to engross the reade r in philosophical questions related to the ideas being discussed.The Socrates of the Platonic dialogues is modeled after the real Socrates but it is in part an imaginary character used to impart Platonic themes. Plato’s dialogues are divided into three groups, the early or Socratic dialogues; the dialogues of middle age; and the dialogues of old age. In the early dialogues, Socrates is the main character, but it is generally believed that Plato is expressing his own views. These are the only remaining dialogues of Socrates teachings hence; they are referred to as the Socratic dialogues. In The Apology Socrates was accused of having false gods and corrupting the youth.While on trial Socrates claimed that he was innocent and was not at all wise, â€Å"Men of Athens, I honor and love you; but I shall obey God rather than you, and while I have life and strength I shall never cease from the practice and teaching of philosophy†¦ Understand that I shall never alter my ways, n ot even if I have to die many times. †(Plato 1984). Middle Dialogues During Plato's middle period he wrote the following, Meno, Republic, Euthydemus, Menexenus, Cratylus, Phaedrus, Symposium and Phaedo. The most important difference between these writings and his earlier works is that he is establishing his own voice in philosophy.In the Meno Plato introduces us to the Socratic idea that no one knowingly does wrong, â€Å"Virtue is the desire of things honourable and the power of attaining them. †Plato (1984). In the Phaedo we become familiar with the platonic doctrine of the Forms; this is where Plato makes a claim as to the immortality of the soul. Plato's most influential work, The Republic, is part of the middle dialogues. It is a discussion of the virtues of justice, courage and wisdom. It addresses the question of how do humans approach living a good life. The dialogue finishes by looking at various forms of government and describing the ideal state.The allegory of the â€Å"Myth of the Cave†is also in The Republic it is an important writing because it contains the main points of his philosophy. It is intended to be a metaphor for education and it explains issues regarding the theory of knowledge. Plato believed one must explore the belief that a greater reality exists. It is through this belief that a person can gain greater insight into true reality and become enlightened. Without it we are like the prisoners of a cave who only see the shadows of objects and live in complete darkness. â€Å"And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened, behold!Human beings living in an underground den†(Plato 1927). It is only through philosophy that we can come out of the cave into the true world. â€Å"Who is best suited to rule the state – lovers of opinion or â€Å"true philosophers†? (Plato 1927) His final years at the Academy he wrote the later dialogues which included the Parmenides, Theatetus, Sophist, Statesmas, Timaeus, Critias, Philebus, and Laws. It should be noted that Socrates has a minor role in these writings. Plato examines his metaphysical theories through these dialogues. He discusses art, dance, music, poetry, drama, and ethics in connection to immortality and the mind.He also dedicates himself to the philosophy of mathematics, politics and religion. Plato argued that women were qualified to play a role in politics and philosophy. In The Republic, Socrates argued that women were as capable as men in pursuit of accomplishments. There is a suggestion that women should be educated for their roles in the class of guardians and possibly work next to men. A woman’s role could be significant in society, but different from a man’s role. Even though Plato believed that women were necessary in a working society, he did not mean he thought women were equals of men.Plato thought that women lacked the strength of men and that women were more suited for other responsibilities in life. â€Å"If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things. †(Plato 1927) The impact of Plato’s work cannot be measured or calculated. His writings had great influence on the entire intellectual development of Western civilization. Despite the fact that Plato did not leave a well-formed, rigid philosophical system he is considered the father for all forms of philosophical idealism and dualism. The object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful. †(Plato 1984). After he died the Academy continued until AD 529, when it was closed due to its pagan teachings. Neo-Platonism, founded by the 3rd-century philosopher Plotinus, was an important development of Platonism. It was a philosophical system which was as a combination of Platonic, Pythagorean, and Aristotelian elements. Originally it was opposed to Christianity but later on it integrated it. It dominated European thought until the 13th century and re-emerged during the Renaissance.The most important Renaissance Neo-Platonist was â€Å"Marsilio Ficino†who developed significant ideas from Plato and Neo-Platonism. Ficino founded of the Academy in Firenze and was responsible for the circulation of Neo-Platonic ideas. Ficino is credited with translating all of Platos’ dialogues into Latin and produced a great work called Platonic Theology, in which he outlines Neo-Platonism. His philosophy is based on the doctrine that the human soul is the center of the cosmos. It is the only thing that sits between the world of ideas and the world is the soul.Neo-Platonism was revived in the 17th century by the Cambridge Platonists such as Cudworth and Smith. The school stressed the importance of reason, maintaining that faith and reason are not that different. Rene Descartes an 18th century philosopher and Neo-Platonist developed a method to achieve truths. If something is not recognized by the intelle ct or reason can be classified as knowledge. According to Descartes. These truths are gained â€Å"without any sensory experience†(Descartes). He argued that as a result of his method, reason alone determined knowledge and that this could be done independently of the senses. Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I exist†(Descartes) Plato developed an absolutist ethical theory which is that there is a greater good toward which to aspire. He developed this theory to respond to the skepticism and the beliefs of the Sophists who Plato felt did not preach wisdom, but rather their opinions. Plato tried to protect the part of reasoning in human life though he had resistance from the ancient Greek preachers know as the Sophists. They came from different cities and proclaimed that they were able to impart knowledge to young men how to live prosperous lives.Even though the Sophists did not belong to a school and did not have a common creed, some opinions were typical of them as a group and were absolutely conflicting to the views of Plato. The Sophists were great communicators and skilled public speakers. Plato felt that the Sophists were more likely to appeal to emotions rather than to reason. According to Plato philosophers influence people’s souls not their bodies and Plato agreed with Socrates in thinking that the nurturing of the soul is more vital than the nurturing of the body.Furthermore, he also believed that true leaders need to have wisdom, and knowledge. Plato's influence has been monumental as one philosopher said the history of philosophy is simply â€Å"a series of footnotes to Plato. †(Whitehead) Plato's has been criticized down through the centuries for his philosophy of the forms. His ideas of the just life and an ideal state are complex. Plato tended to specifically ignores much of human nature. Plato did not think in the realm of the physical world, he was always looking to a different one where things exist only if he can prove there existence.References Kraut, R. (2009, Sept) Plato Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/plato; Plato. (1984) Great dialogues of Plato New York: Mentor Books trans. by Benjamin Jowett Blackburn, S. (1945) The republic of Plato. (45 ed. ). London: Oxford University Press, USA. trans. By Desmond Lee Descartes. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/descartes-works; Alfred North Whitehead. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/whitehead/
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Investing in the Shares of Home Depot due to Its Better Performance Compared to Lowes Inc Free Essay Example, 1000 words
From the data analysis conducted, some conclusions can be deduced, including the market growth of the Home Depot Company, the growth prospects, and the investment options available for shareholders. The sales data for the two companies indicate that Home Depot has a better market share that Lowe s Inc. This conclusion is arrived at after considering the fact that the sales for Home Depot are better compared to the sales for Lowe s; the sales for Home Depot are more than the sales of Lowe s for all years of operations. The net income as a percentage of sales also indicates that the company is better for Home Depot, which indicates that the company utilizes resources better than Lowe s Inc. Though the debt figures for Home Depot are higher than the debt figures for Lowe s, the debt-to-equity ratio indicates that Home Depot utilizes the ratio better that Lowe s Inc. The board of directors for Home Depot is made up of 10 executive directors, individuals with exceptional records of accomplishment in their fields of profession. The first opinion when the board of directors is analyzed is that the company is committed to excellence, because the members of the executive board all seem to be competent members. We will write a custom essay sample on The Investing in the Shares of Home Depot due to Its Better Performance Compared to Lowes Inc or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
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